Waving Hello and "Goodbye"

While at the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS) conference in Albuquerque N.M. in early June, I attended a wonderful hands-on workshop taught by Jeanne Rosier Smith ( http://www.jeannesmithart.com/gallery5.htm), an artist whom I have admired for some time for her fresh, evocative paintings of waves. I was delighted to discover that Jeanne is also an articulate and skilled instructor, and even more pleased to find that, following her demo and directions, I was able to create two lovely pastels of waves myself, this being my first one... IMGP7670

Ever since, I've become obsessed with painting waves in both pastel and acrylic, and am now in the process of trying one in "thread painting" (a technique similar to quilting that substitutes finely cut textiles for paint).  In fact, I've decided to focus my fall solo show at the Gibsons Public Art Gallery (opening Oct 15, 2015) on depictions of water, including lots of waves. Some of them can already be seen at The Landing Gallery in Gibsons Landing, B.C.

Here are some samples so far:

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On another note, I will soon be moving my website to another platform. The address will stay the same, but the hope is that it will be cleaner, easier to navigate and manage, and, of course, more attractive!  I'll let you know when the move is coming--stay tuned.